Student Rating of Instruction (SRIS)

Why Student Rating of Instruction?

The University System of Georgia Board of Regents Policy Manual ( requires each institution to use a written system to evaluate teaching effectiveness.  The purpose is to provide feedback for instructors to improve teaching.  The Georgia College Policy Manual specifies the online process for student opinion surveys "as part of the evaluation of teaching effectiveness for faculty members" (para 1).

SRIS spring 2025 important dates

  • Department Admins: Mark all courses NOT being surveyed in Banner by March 14
  • Faculty: The Objective Selection Form opens on March 19
  • Students: SRIS available April 16 through May 5
  • Faculty: Complete the Objective Selection Form (OSF) by May 5
  • Deans, Chairs, and Faculty: Survey results will be available by May 15

You can access the SRIS using your Unify credentials as follows:

Completing the Objective Selection Form (OSF) and Interpreting SRIS Results


Please complete your OSF by visiting the survey website for each course selected for the Student Rating of Instruction Survey (SRIS). The OSF allows you to mark essential, important, or minor objectives, which impact your survey data ratings. The survey instrument recommends selecting a minimum of three (3) and no more than five (5) objectives as either essential or important. When marking objectives as essential or important, objectives should satisfy these questions: Is this objective relevant to your course? Did you provide specific resources to help students with this objective? Does this objective have an impact on how students are assessed?

  • Remember to select only 3-5 objectives as important (I) (weighted as "1") or essential (E) (weighted as "2"). Mark all other objectives as minor (M) (weighted as "0"). 
  • Do not leave any of the objectives blank because all blank objectives default to Important with a rating of "1".

Detailed information about SRIS from Anthology (formerly Campus Labs) can be found in this PowerPoint presentation.

Please contact with technical questions or concerns. For more information or support on selecting objectives or interpreting your results, please contact the Center for Teaching and Learning,, or (478) 445-2520.

Q: What is the process for selection of courses for SRIS?

  • Each instructor has a minimum of 2 courses surveyed.
  • The Department Chair selects one course, and the instructor determines the other course.
  • Limitations exist for classes with low enrollments. The threshold is set at three (3) or more students to receive data from your responses or at a 100% response rate if the class only has three (3) or fewer students. 
  • Instructors can add additional courses to SRIS by working with department admins who mark courses for survey in Banner.

Q: What factors affect the instructor's rating?

  • Fewer than 65% of the students enrolled completed the survey. Ideally, you want to obtain a response rate of 75% of students in each of your courses. For your results to be considered statistically significant, you want to get a minimum response rate of 65% of students in each of your courses.  
  • The objectives you identify as Important or Essential for the specific course impact your overall rating. Remember that objectives identified as Essential are weighted twice as much as Important. 
  • The more objectives you select, the greater the likelihood that your final overall average score relative to student learning will be lower because it's unlikely that students will report significant progress across all or most of the learning objectives.

Q: How is the rating calculated?

  • The average of student rating of instruction for the objectives the instructor selected
  • The overall ratings for "student agreement with statements that the teacher and the course were excellent."

Interpreting SRIS Results

General Guidelines

  • Using your Unify credentials, log in to your faculty portal located at
  • Once reports are available and you have logged in to your faculty portal, you will have the option to print reports. You can find the print option in the upper right corner of your dashboard. The printing feature provides you with the following summary: 
  1. "Your Average Scores" providing you an average of all courses surveyed. Scores are separated by an average summary score, progress on relevant objectives score, and ratings of summative questions score.  
  2. Scores shown as grayscale scores are comparison scores of similar courses within the database.  
  3. "Converted Average Buckets" provides you with converted averages based on a bell curve.  

Logging into SRIS

All SRIS login links use Georgia Colleges Single Sign On (SSO) process to access the system. To access reports beginning Fall 2019, use the following links:

Accessing Historical Reports

To access SRIS reports for Summer 2013 to Spring 2019, please visit MyGCSU. Once there, log in using your Unify credentials, and click on the PAWS icon. Next, select the GCSU Reports tab and choose Student Rating of Instruction Results (SRIS) thru Spring 2019.  By choosing the survey term and clicking Submit, you can access your historical reports. 

Additional Resources for the Student Rating of Instruction Survey
SRIS Support

For technical related questions (i.e., survey access or missing courses) contact  For support on completing your Objective Selection Form (OSF), interpreting results, or instructional supports, contact